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Exploring and Embracing Shadow Work

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The idea of embracing and exploring shadow work is to bring your dark sides out into the light. Why? The more you explore your darkside,the more you will learn to embrace it. Shadow work involves exploring and integrating the unconscious aspects of oneself, such as repressed emotions, fears, and desires, to achieve personal growth and wholeness. This course is self-paced and provides you with 37 pages of downloadable (pdf copies) of information pertaining to: Astrology, Lunar Healing, Tarot Journaling, and Shadow Journal Prompts. How? By embracing and Exploring Shadow work though: Astrology: In astrology, the shadow self is know as your Moon sign. Your moon sign indicates the things that make you feel secure, safe, and held. It provides a free, easy-to-access shadow working tool. Shadow work is a way of acknowledging — and integrating — our shadow (or unseen) selves into who we are. While the term “shadow” may be thought to have a negative connotation, our shadow—or Moon sign—is actually the storehouse of our greatest gifts and power. Lunar Healing: Using the rhythm of the moon as a tool to embrace and explore your shadow side. Embracing and exploring shadow work is most often done during Full Moon. Tarot Journaling: Tarot journaling is the practice of drawing tarot cards from a deck at random and then using them as journaling prompts. It’s one of those things that can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it. Shadow Journal Prompts: With the aid of shadow promps, shadow journaling is a safe and practical way to express all sides of yourself. Shadow Journalling allows you to let out your thoughts, both light and dark, using the written word. Don't censor yourself. Write whatever comes up without overthinking it. Exchange for Course is $33 CDN.

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