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Be the shift

I often joked with friends that I would write a book about my experience with systems. Both professionally & personally, I have experienced many.

Over time, this joke has started to take shape.

I know when I find the strength to speak up, I often show up unapologetic, authentically, raw, and I speak from the heart. And have been known to use the word "fuck" quite often. ;-)

I have always lead from my heart.

I do wear my heart on my sleeve.

I have influenced many, especially my queens (they know who they are) and I have raised a beautifully strong daughter. I also helped raised 3 beautifully strong goddaughters.

For some of us we are all too aware of the mental health crisis humanity is in. There is a lack of humanity. Without it, humanity won't last long. (read some of Carl Jung's work).

Some's awareness may just be coming to light, while others are still in the dark.

If you struggle. I see you.

If you don't struggle yet have compassion for those who do. I see you.

If you don't struggle yet use shame & judgement towards those that do. I also see you.

Mental Health is a crisis but change starts with one person. Mental Health in youth is exploding & exploding quick.

I have spoke up about this & I will continue. I am choosing to speak up. I am choosing to be the shift.

If someone trusts you in their darkest moment, know that is a gift/honor. If you use it as a way to control someone to ensure they comply, I send you love, as you are unaware of your own darkness.

Darkness is often spoken as a trait of a narcissistic individuals, however it has a strong presence and does exist in systems. When it exists in systems, it's a collective energy. It is a trait that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Shine your light. Be the shift! I see you!


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