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Imbolc: Celebrating mid-point of Winter

This week,I will be celebrating the midpoint of winter. Traditionally, Imbolc begins at sundown on February 1st & continues through February 2nd.

As someone who traditionally suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder, this winter has been my strongest winter yet. I learned to lean into my Pagan roots and traditions. After sufffering a mental breakdown, my mind, body, and spirit sent a huge signal that I needed to shift my life.

Labels/Diagnosis are part of the puzzle. I feel a mission piece of the puzzle, for me, was just how disconnected I had become from the natural rhythms of nature. The natural rhythms of being a divine feminine. The natural rhythms of life..........the ebbs and flows.

For me, after years of turning inward, of hermit mode & of rest, my spirit is beginning to stir again.

Imbolc is an ancient Celtic holiday which celebrates the very first stirrings of new life. All that has been hidden in darkness, is ready to be brought to light.

After hermit mode, my spirit is ready to breath new life.

Ways I will be celebrating is with movement, dance, song, creative outlets, time spent in nature, & cleansing rituals.

Feel free to explore what your spirit needs in this moment, craft your own rituals.

Lori Anne



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