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Interweaving systems

I've been getting more questions about my healing journey, how I did it/do it.

It's complex. 💛 however, I will say it's been worth it.

The top photo is from 2 years ago. You wouldn't know by the smile I was experiencing the extreme pain from detoxing.

Sept 28, 2021, I threw out all my Rx pills, I was done masking the pain.

Oct 12 to 14, 2021, is when the withdrawal effects took place.

I isolated in a hotel for days to allow my body to process the pain.

I'm a tough nut, but I can tell you the level of pain that I experienced is something I never want to endure again.

Fast forward to 2 years later, same smile.

What do I do on my own to ensure I am mentally well.

💛I find my spirit. I found that light inside me.

💛I also embrace my darkness.

💛I connect to Spirit. Energy Consciousness. (Can also be known as God. Source. Creator. Buddha. .... Anything greater than me)

💛 I connect to Pagan beliefs.

💛I connect to earth's elements: fire. Air. Earth. Water.

💛I did an immense amount of nervous system healing...immense....immense..did i mention immense?.💛

💛I connected to ME.

💛I showed up as ME.

💛I dressed as ME.

💛I spoke as ME.

💛I embraced ME and my journey.

Has it been easy, not a fuckin chance.

Has it been worth it, yes.

I believe in healing and the interweaving of systems: Mind. Body. Spirit. Without judgment. Without Shame.

The solution lies in you, the work has to be done by you.

💛This has been a lifelong journey, and it will continue to be.

💜Link in bio to read about my own creation "Interweaving systems".

Finally, I am so grateful for those who held space and continue to hold space for those who are struggling. I have worked with and continue to work with an amazing team of women.


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