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Learning to connect the dots....

Think back to Pre-K/K/1, learning how to complete the activity worksheet of connect the dots. Think of the expectations put on the class for this activity. Perfect drawn lines? Sitting completely still? No Talking? or the polar oppositie. Lots of noise. Didn't matter how you completed the activity. or was it somewhere in between.

That's the environment you were in to complete this task.

Now let's scaffold the skills it takes to complete the activity (without environment sensory/noise):

  • Pencil: make sure it's sharp. think back to the rule about sharpened pencils

  • Activity Sheet: Is it lined up properly to the teacher's idea of how it should be, yet you preferr a different way to line up the paper.

  • Sitting: think back to those uncomfortable plastic chairs. Did you need to pee but had to wait? Did you wiggle? Did you sway your legs? Did you sit on your feet?

  • Connectedness: think back to who you may have been sitting with. alone? with or without friends? sitting with a chatty friend who you know will get in trouble and you try to help keep them quiet and on task?

  • Noise: think back to the different classroom you've been in and various noise levels.

  • Counting to 20. Let's add in the skill of counting.

.......................................WE HAVE YET TO START THE ACTIVITY.

  • Let's begin: What is your internal dialogue? Do you have one? Or does it go like this? sit still. hold pencil correctly. make sure that line is perfect. shhh don't make noise. oh look it's sunny out. I'm hungry. oh wait back to the task. done.

  • You finished the task, raise your hand to tell the teacher. Now all eyes are on you. How you feeling?

....................................LET'S CONNECT THE DOTS.....

How many skills were need for that one task? How many sensory stimuli was involved? This is a description of what connecting the dots for mental health is like.

Labels, yes there is a purpose to them. Let's dig deeper to them. The symptoms for most labels are almost identical. (feel free to do your own research or believe me) Suggested ways to manage those labels: RX, exercise, nutrition, sleep. (not disagreeing these benefits)

As I come close to 2 years sober from Rx/OTC pills, 3 years since I had my nervous break down, since 2017 that I started to switch to a more holisitc lifestyle. I becme more aware, more concious, more holisitic.

Learning how to connect to dots has always been my strength. I did it so easily for others, but 3 years my nervous system TOLD ME it's time to put me front and center.

I've just ended 3 years of talk therapy, I also learned more about my #selfworth, embraced more who I am, learned to be #authentically and unapologetically me. I read, I researched, I learned, I embraced #somatic practices, #naturetherapy, #pagan therapy, #journaling #coldwatertherapy #astrology #tarot #oracle #grounding #breathwork

I also got back to doing things I loved: photography. writing. dancing. being in nature.

I also worked on reinventing myself after #workplaceptsd #ptsd #compassionfatigue #burnout in a system that I no longer can re-enter.

This past weekend I did activity that I loved with pure love in my heart. I felt joy as I danced in the rain barefoot. Watched those I love singing and dancing. Embraced many others with open arms and warm embraces. My mind, body, and spirit was in alignment.

Healing, tackling issues in life from #neurodivergent #trauma #cptsd #anxiety #depression #abuse #addictions #sensoryprocessing #mentalhealth #relationships takes ownership of self. Is it easy? Nope, it's hard a s fuck. It is worth it? 1000% yes!

Giving your own internal power/knowingness away to others, you lose that spark. For more other modalities to help me stay health is done with intention and in spaces that my nervous system feels safe and secure. My healing team are all individuals that I would hold space with and for. Each property area is welcoming and safe.

I hope you find what you desire in life. I hope you are surrounded by those who love you and make you feel safe and seen. I hope you dance.

Follow me on instagram or pinterest @attm247


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