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New moon in Pisces

Why did I start working with the new and full moon? I've always been a lover of nature and a person who looked up to the sky. When I was at my height of maxing out on various Therapies I started to turn inward and look for ways I could help myself. By committed to new and full moon rituals and journal prompts it provided me twice a month to check in with myself

There comes a time in your healing journey you have to become accountable for yourself. No one is coming to "fix" you. No one is have to commit to you.

Coaching sessions with the moon provides a twice a month check in. It provides something different than traditional talk therapy.

A preview of what a sesion would look like arond New moon on March 2 is an example of journal prompts:

  • What are your dreams ? Are you contributing actively to your dreams ?

  • Take time to do an inventory of your fears.

  • Take time to do an inventory of spiritual practices.

  • How are your intuitive skills? Do you trust your gut or ignore it?

  • Write in detail what being healed looks like to you.

  • Write in details all your dreams, fantasies, sexual or otherwise.

Sessions include a it more depth than just journal prompts but I thought I'd share what discussion/prompts may look like.


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