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New Moon in Scoprio

For those who follow Lunar Healing,we will be experiencing a New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023. Themes for this New Moon are: intense, snarky, firery, drive, determination; just to name a few.

The end of 2023 definitely wants to finish with that "firery" feeling. That feeling of fire,drive, determination. What goals are you ready to "lite" a match to?

#Scorpio is water element, however it feels like the sting of fire. Scorpio season can be a bit intense. A time to watch your tongue, take time pause & reflect before lashing out.

Be mindful of any chaos and craziness that may be in your life: family, friends,work,community. Reflect on the environments you surrounds yourself in.

Journal Prompts:

  • Are you ready to shift your energy from chaos/craziness to more drive/determination?

  • What areas of your life are a bit out of control?

  • What areas of your life can you liberate/free yourself?

  • What ares of your life are you ready to commit to building, instead of rebuilding?

  • What life lessons/themes seem to be reoccuring for you?

I'll soon be doing a New Moon in Scorpio Tarot Journaling Reading with a focus on love, be sure to watch my you tube channel.


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