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New Moon in Leo

The days leading up to the New Moon in Leo, which occurs Wednesday, August 16 (check your local time), is all about using the Dark Moon (day or two before new moon) to release anything/anyone that is holding you back.

Dark Moon is a time of inward focus, quiet contemplation, and intention setting.

Learning to embrace #lunarhealing is an individualized choice. As with any choice in life, it's important to connect with what/who you are in alignment with. Life would be boring if we all were identical.

It takes time, committment, practice to show up in life authentically. It's not easy to "escape" what others think of you, or expect of you. Any shift you make in your life, can often be met with judgement, shame, questions.........etc. There comes a point in life, where one has to decide what they want. Not what others have told them they want.

The New Moon in Leo is all about turning your attention and your intentions to all that you desire in life.

Tip #1 - Release the old

Before the arrival of the new moon on the 17th, take time to write out everything you want to release and use the element of Fire (Leo energy) to release it. (remember fire safety)

Tip #2 - Time to align with your authentic self

Who are you? Break down those layers. Who do you believe you are? Who do others believe you are? Are they in alignment?

"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are." Brene Brown


Tip #3 - Time to declare who you are to the universe

Speak it into life. Communicate, even to yourself, who you are. Make sure you say it outloud. Share it with someone you trust and love. Share it with someone who won't judge/shame/ricidule you.

Tip #4 - Time to decide what you truly want

What is it you trully want? Is it more mateiral things? It is more freedom? Is it travel? Is it love? Is it...............Fill in the blank

Tip #5 - Time to take action

What action steps are you willing to take? The key is to make movement in your own power to what you want. Don't hand off your power to someone else. Look for others to uplift you, motivate you. Delete those old contacts. Delete that old app. Delete drama. Delete old photos. Make room for new.

How bad do you really want to shift? How much work do you really want to put into it?

Embrace lunar healing

One thing I have learned in the past few years, is I had to learn how to show up authentically. Full Moons allowed me to release what no longer served me, and New Moons allowed me space to create for new. I also learned to connect the themes of the moon cycle with energy work. If you wish to work with me,


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