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Scaffolding the skill of movement with PTSD/mental illness

Sharing my journey as authentically as possible, means I also discuss scaffolding the skill of movement. #PTSD is a #TBI (traumatic brain injury). Learning to incorporate #movement into my life again, as been a test in #scaffolding skills.

I've mentioned before about my experience with an OT who told me "just walk to the end of your driveway". I knew they were expressing a simple task, that work "JUST" really sent me into a spiral. At that time, I did well to JUST get out of bed. To say we ended our working relationship quickly is an understatement. Their lack of being trauma informed, and my inability to be regulated and open for help was a bad combo/timing.

I've mentioned often the importance of investing in yourself. As a society we don't blink at dropping money for material items, "fixing" our appearances, addictions, etc. Yet, investing in ourself with our #mentalhealth is still seem foreign to some.

I do know life is a journey, and I often wish I started #therapy #counselling #holisitchealth sooner, yet I also believe in #wisdom, and the only way to attain wisdom is through experience. Some shit just can't be learned through a book.

Living with #ptsd and learning to heal my #nervousssytem has been a moment by moment journey. I continue to live #authentically and with an open heart. I have learned how to unpack #shame #judgement #fear, and I continue to work on it. I #empower myself each and every day to show up.

Tip #1 - Invest in you!

Invest in you! Choose how you want to invest in yourself. If it's 1 to 1 therapy, group therapy, a course, a book, etc. Reflect on where and how you are investing in YOU.

Tip #2 - Show up Authentically

Not always easy, but it's one of the best things I did for myself. I am unapolegtically myself. That doesn't mean I get to be a complete asshole when I'm frustrated. I embraced my labels instead of the shame / judgement that goes with mental illness.

"We can do more than what we think." It's a belief system that I have adopted and it has become my motto. There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.”

Wim Hof, Becoming the Iceman

Tip #3 - Gratitude

It sounds cheesy, I know, but be grateful. If you have nothing to be grateful for in your life, find something. Hard truth, but I also had to learn how to get the fuck out of my own way. It took practice through journaling to connect to that feeling of gratitude.

Tip #4 - Mix it up

With finances tight, it's hard to juggle it all. Look at where you are investing in you during the month and how you are investing in yourself. Then pause and reflect on your mental health. What is improving it, what needs some 1 to 1 assistance. What environments may need shifted? Be in attune to where you are sharing your energy. What are you absrobing from the environments you are in?

Tip #5 - Self worth

This is a tough one, especially when dealing with trauma. Trauma alters the ability to feel worthy. Connect to feeling worthy. Write a list of all your positive attributes. Wear an outfit that makes you feel sassy. Switch up your route and connect with others who make you smile! You are so worth it!


Even though it has been a challenge to learn to live with a brain that works differently than before, it doesn't mean that I am not worthy. There are many things I can't do anymore, yet there is so much I feel grateful for. I know my processing is slower, yet I also have a lot of wisdom. Life can be so good, connect to what brings you joy over and over and over.

There have been moments where I have paid 1 to 1 on my journey in the area of fitness. As I scaffold the skills, building a solid foundation again, I found His videos are just the right about of time. I also see a nutritionist Brit Who I also work with.

Feel free to comment.

Lori Anne



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