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Welcome Fall: How to celebrate Mabon

Fall officially arrives in Atlantic Canada on Sat, Sep 23, 2023, 3:50 a.m. How are you celebrating Mabon?

Welcome Fall: How to celebrate Mabon

What is Mabon? Mabon is the time of the autumn equinox, and the harvest is winding down. It is a time to self reflect, a time to honor the changing of seasons, and a time to celebrtae balance. A time to connect to the theme of equal hours light and dark.

Looking for some ways you can celebrate Mabon:

Tip #1 - Find Some Balance

BALANCE. At times, life often feels like a constant seesaw motion. The ebb and flows of life may at times feel in constant motion. Mabon is a time of balance. The day has equal hours of darkness and light. Pause and allow your mind, body, and spirit to rest. balance. reconnect.

The Fall can affect people in different ways. For me, Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the crisp mornings, fresh air, warm days, then back to cool evenings. The fall can also be a time of high energy: finishing harvest, collecting wood for winter, storing up for winter, prepping for winter, letting go of summer. There is often a feeling of restlessness in the air as the shift occurs.

Tip #2 - Honor the darkness

As the days shift from shorter daylight to more darkness, remember without darkness, there is no light. Without night, there can be no day. Learning to embrace the darkness both figuratively and literally is a skill. There are many positives to actually embracing the dark side. Most often, darkness doesn't stay long once you acknowledge it's presence. Celebrate a ritual that honors darkness: journal all aspects of your own darkness. Acknowledge it. Honor it. Then let it go, knowing the light will return.

“Autumn teaches us the beauty of letting go. Growth requires release—it’s what the trees do.”

Tip #3 -Let it Go

Take time to pause, reflect, and let go. Journal about what you want to let go of so youcan make room for more. Connect to an element: fire, earth, water, air and let it go. For added fun, blast some music and dance as you let it go. Crank up the old tunes, dance it out, sing! Let go of the old.

The key to letting go, means it allows room for new to come in. Delete old apps, contacts, photos, emails. Do a deep cleanse in the house. Throw out / donate items that no longer serve you.

Tip #4 - Connect to nature

Connect to the elements: air, fire, water, earth. Get outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Ground. Dance Bare foot. Dance around a fire. Sing. Walk barefoot in moss. Stroll in the woods. Enjoy the ocean air. Sit and watch a sunset. Remember to show gratitude and thanks for the elements.

Tip #5 - Show Gratitude

Connect to the emmotion of Gratitude. Make a graitude list. List 100 people who you are grateful for both present and in the past. Even though individuals are no longer in our lives, it doesn't mean that their journey with you wasn't with gratitude. Let go of past hurt.

Finally, raise some energy!

As a Pagan, I love when I can celebrate raising some energy. Celebrating rituals like the shifts of seasons, the full/new mooon is one way that I connect to the elements of Earth. Tonight I plan to celebrate Mabon. I will be dancing around a fire, enjoying a beautiful sunset, and celebrating with a fall feast.

Much love,

Lori Anne



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