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Welcome to Libra Season

September 23 to October 23, 2023, the sun will travel through soft and subtle Libra. Libra is represented by the scales of Justice. Balance. Partnership. Diplomacy.

Time to pause and reflect during Libra season on balance. Within each tip, there are questions for you to pause and reflect on.

The Sun moving into Libra kicks starts the third Quarter of the Astrological year. Now is a time to pause and reflect on the past 3 months. It is also a good time to pause and reflect on the next 3 months.

Libra: Cardinal Air Ruler: Venus

Keywords: Diplomacy, Balance, Justice, Partnership

Tip #1 - Libra is a Cardinal Air Sign

What does this mean? Cardinal means beginning in the element of Air. Element of Air has a theme of intellect, reasoning, and quick thinkers.

Now is the time to reflect on your communication skills. How are you presenting yourself in areas of communications with yourself, others, at work, at home, or with family?

Tip #2 - Ruler of Venus

Venus is the planet of love. During libra season pause and reflect how you are communicating in your relationships. How you are both giving and receiving love. How are you presenting yourself to the world?

Tip #3 - Explore Libra Themes

Libra is represented by the scales of Justice. All about Balance. Partnership. Diplomacy. Think about the "scales of Justice" in your life. Is it balanced? Diplomatic? Partnership?

Tip #4 - Create a 3 month plan

Create some goals personal, professional, or both. Be as specific as possible. Dream big.

Tip #5 - Gear up for Full Moon

The Full Moon arrives September 30 in the Moon sign of Aries. Which is also a time for new beginnings (Aries is the beginning of the astrology signs). Aries is a fire sign. Rules by the planet mars. Mars is about fire and anger.

Busy Energetic Week

With Fall arriving on September 23, Sun moving into Libra (ruled by Venus), and the Full Moon in Aries arriving on the 30th (ruled by Mars), there is no better time to really focus on balance.

“If we are to feel the positive feelings of love, happiness, trust, and gratitude, we periodically also have to feel anger, sadness, fear, and sorrow.”


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