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Nervous System 101: Microdosing

Sharing my own journey of living with PTSD/CPTSD, healing from burnout and compassion fatigue.

My nervous breakdown saved my life. It brought me on a journey to attune my mind, body, and spirit*. (hence my business name Attune: Mind. Body. Spirit)

*Spirit for me is nature, energy, elements. For you it may be God, Source, Creator, Buddha, Consciousness....Take what resonates for you, as this is my story.

I'm 2 years sober from Rx perscriptions: Zoloft, Ativan, Flexorall, Moriphine, Codeine, Ibuprofen 500, Sleep Aid OTC, as well as, an unfilled Rx for dilaudid/moriphine/codeine/Oxycodone.

The decision I made to cut my ties with Rx came shortly after a Rx of 175 mg of Zoloft (max is 200), as well as, the death of my cousins Dallas by suicide. Whether it was an intentional or accidental overdose I could easily understand how quickly that choice can be made with a handful of Rx pills in one's pocession.

When my Mom was telling me about her death and the Rx pills she took, a lump rose in my throat as I heard the pain in my Mom's voice. I slowly told Mom that I had access to the same Rx medications and it's easy to overdose when all one wants is peace/quiet.

I went cold turkey, detoxed on my own, started the path to healing from the decades of pain masked by Rx. Overtime I went from heavily microdosing with marijuana to where I am now. Microdosing with mushrooms: lions mane (nervous system), chaga (immune system), red reshi (calm/inflamation)

Tip #1 - How did I begin?

Well, I began in essentially what felt like hell. I had to let it all fall down, so I could rebuild myself. I started the shadow work to heal. It has been a journey and will continue to be a journey. There is no quick fix. There is only me embracing who I am. Becoming authentically me. Becoming authentically unapolgetic of how I life. Becoming authentically outspoken advocate of abuse I endured in my workplace.

I started to attune to my mind. my body. my spirt. Learning the interweaving of those systems. Learning the interweaving of what my mind. body. spirit was telling me. When I needed to pause. When I needed to reset. When I needed.....

Tip #2 - Attuning the Mind

Due to my trauma being workplace related, I was mandated therapy. I went every 2 week for 3 years. I am now currently as an as needed basis. I worked with a wonderful therapist. Not only did attuning my mind come with talk therapy, but it also came from the inner work I did when I wasn't in therapy. It wasn't my therapist role to save me, that is my role. I read books. I learned. I did shadow work. I read more. I listened. I did the research. I took courses. I took ownership for ME. I took back my power.

"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful. –Alice Walker

Tip #3 - Attuning the body

I have wonderful naturotherapis/naturopaths t in my life. I have been working with a few for the past 8 years. Learning about what my body was telling me (before the book "The Body Keeps the Score"). Learning how to release pain. I still use cranial sacral, accupuncture, reiki, reflexology, massage. All as a tool to keep the energy in my body flowing, not become stagnant/stuck. This has been KEY for me. Connecting back to my body and out of my mind. My appointments are no longer pre-booked every few weeks on rotation, but are done in more of a flow. I now recogize what my body is telling me and when I need body work/energy work.

Tip #4 - Attuning the Spirit

There does come a moment when I recognize there is more to life than the ego's sense of success/greed/materialism. I can say I dropped to my knees a few times and reached out to high energies to help process the pain. Spirit for me, is an energy. I use nature therapy (which essentially is enjoying the woods, but everything needs a fuckin' label now). The solace of the woods is where I feel most at peace. The forest is my church. There is such a calming energy in woods for me.

Tip #5 - Interweaving Mind, Body, Spirit

Learning to microdose means I am highly attuned to my mind, body, and spirit. I interweave those systems and can now tell what each is telling me. Moments when I've been in my head too much. Lack of connecting to my body. Lack of connecting to my spirit. It is a constant ebb and flow.

Microdosing isn't an escape tool

Unlike the Rx meds, microdosing isn't an escape tool. It's an enhancement tool to ensure my nervous system/immune system is strong. It's a tool I use on an ebb and flow system. I learned to listen to my body, listen to the pain that was rising up, listen to what it was telling me. I started listening to ME.

I wish you well on your journey. I wish you find your team. Feel free to email me at with options to work with me.

Much love,

Lori Anne



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