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Back to Routine may trigger Sensory Overload / Executive Functioning

As the school year is fast approaching, back to routines, back to the constant movement, back to sensory overload, challenges with executive functioning and/or attention / focus.

Do you already find yourself gittery?

Do you already find yourself nervous?

Do you already have headaches, digestion issues, can't sleep?

Do you already feel anxious?

Do you.....................?

Not only do children struggle in school enviornments, many adults struggle as well. Often, it is not talked about how many adults are struggling. The constant noise, smells, disruptions, tasks, interruptions. Lack of washroom breaks, lack of eating, lack of time alone.

For neurodivergent individuals who struggle with sensory and/or executive functioning/attention. Assessments are not only for children, I offer assessments for adults as well. As an adult, taking control of your own uniqueness can be key to thriving in controlled environments. Having an assessment that aids you in understanding your thresholds can mean the difference merely surviving to thriving.

I spent 15 years doing assessments/working with neurodivergent children. As I transition to aiding adults, the root cause is fairly common across diagnosis. Environments. Children can't advocate for themselves, but as an adult you can.

Mental Health Assessments

I offer assessments for adults (18+), and with consult for children (12 to 18). I offer two assessments:

Sensory Profile: Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile® helps measure sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance. The sensory profile provides you with an understanding of your nervous systems reaction to sensory: low registration, avoidance, seeking, sensitivity.

Brown Executive Functioning/attention scale: Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales helps screen and assess a wider range of impairments of executive functioning. Brown EF/A Scales™ measures DSM-5 symptoms of ADHD along with less apparent impairments of executive functioning. Results are divided into the follow categories: Activation, Focus, Effort, Emotion, Memory, Action.

Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help address struggling students' concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind.

Why get a Mental Health Assessment:

I'm a believer in knowledge, having an understanding of who you are. And you are more than a LABEL! The key to an assessment, for me, isn't to label someone. It's to empower an individual to understand how their mind works.

I've personally had a 13 page psych assessment completed on me. Yet, no where on that assessment was there information about who I was as an individual. No where did I read about my soft heart, compassion, or empmathy. No where did I read about my tendecy to advocate and speak up for those who can't, figuratively and literally.

Reading page after page of deficiets was heartbreaking. Yet, I knew in my spirit I was so much more. Embracing my neurodivergence and mental health instead of feeling SHAME for it, has been the best thing I could have ever done for myself.

I'm here to shift how we navigate mental health. I'm done with the SHAME, JUDGEMENT, FEAR. I am here to EMPOWER, GROWTH, TEACH others how to THRIVE.

Being diagnosised with workplace PTSD, I always found it interesting how little responsibility was for environments to shift, the responsiblity is on the individual. Whether they are 5 or 105.

I also have giving myself the assessments, which the results weren't overly surprising as I have PTSD. Yet, it also gave me a sense of calm.

Each asessment is $400 CDN, and billable under naturopath. For more questions email

Please share with others who may need an assessment. The key, I feel for assessments is to empower you. For some, the assessment may be enough, for others more 1 to 1 sessions may be needed.

I want you to know you're not alone.

Much love,

Lori Anne



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