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What is Holistic Counselling?

What is a Holistic Counsellor and Who am I? My name is Lori Anne Spilman. I specialize in a trauma focus & heart centre approach to healing. I have a passion for sharing and teaching others strategies. During my healing & my research, I became a passionate learner. I believe the work & research I did on my nervous system was key to the integration of my healing. ​I am passionate about being a Holistic Counsellor, especially in the area as a trauma educator, teaching others about their nervous system, how trauma affects the brain, understanding a dysregulated vs regulated nervous system & the effects of trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) have on the nervous system. This work has allowed me to live a more regulated & holistic lifestyle. I have no doubt that our nervous system is one of the most overlooked aspects of modern-day mental healthcare/healthcare. I am more than trauma-informed. I am trauma embodied. I am trauma experienced. I am trauma lived. I am also trauma healing. Empowering myself with knowledge about the nervous system, & researching it's connection to various trauma responses allowed me to implement strategies to heal my sympathetic nervous system. I use various modalities to heal my nervous system from breathwork, lunar work, ground/nature therapy, cold water therapy, to journaling. I know that healing isn't a quick fix. Healing isn't linear, it is not once-and-done, it is on-going and often cyclic. At times, it is lonely, ugly, gut wrenching. As well as having days of clarity, gratitude, & love. Integration is key. Learning to "break the narrative" of your responses to trauma. Integration to healing takes time. One traumatic event/memory means integration of emotions, cognitive, physical, spiritual, and social. I have embraced the power of knowledge about trauma, generational trauma, collective trauma, relationship trauma, trauma environments, & it's affect on my own nervous system. #holistichealing #holistichealth #holisticcounselling #holisticcounsellor #mentalhealth #traumahealing #nervoussysem #energypsychology #mentalhealthassessments #assessments #trauma #generationaltrauma #ptsd #cptsd #relationshiptrauma #attunemindbodyspirit #heartcenterhealing #heartcenter #mindbodyspirit #spirituality #karunareiki #reiki #breathwork #journaling #coldwatertherapy


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