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Why use a Holistic Coach/Energy work?

One thing I have experienced with using various modes of therapy, is that there is no "right or wrong" way to heal. Different modalities / intensity / frequency of therapy is beneficial and changes over time. These are my opinions, and I'm sharing what works for me as I navigate and live with PTSD.

Why am I sharing my journey? I believe there are clients out there who may benefit working with someone who actually lives with PTSD. I don't have any stigma, shame, or fear living with PTSD. For some, knowing you are working with someone who can understand & lives with the emotions that comes with a mental health diagnosis may be easier. I have been navigating this for the past few years, and I'm open to working with those who are ready to help navigate & be in charge of their healing.

What type of clients am I looking for? Clients who are ready to take charge of their own healing. Clients who want coaching in strategies. Clients looking beyond a 60 minute time slot every four weeks. Clients who already are on their one self healing journey but need a boost every so often.

When does one seek a Holistic Coach / Energy work? Speaking from my own experiences, I was ready for other modalities of healing when I was ready to take charge of my own healing/life. Countless appointments, re-telling my trauma left me more depleted & triggered. Navigating too many systems. Having to remember so much details from one specialist to another. Endlessly filling out paperwork, answering phone calls, emails, etc. My brain needs time to heal, and the constant outside "noise" made it almost impossible. I can honestly say, mental health system in NB doesn't exist.

The services I offer are sessions that you commit to that activity with coaching. Breath work is important tool in living with PTSD, however it takes time to learn & coaching is beneficial. Giving a list of strategies from therapist is beneficial, the challenge can arise when trying to utilize the strategies. As a holistic coach, you and I will explore your strategies, come up with a plan that works for you, model/practice strategies, empower you on the journey of self healing. In time, the need for outside validation lessens and an intrinsic feeling starts to feel empowered. Strategies will become a natural part of your day from journaling, breathwork, grounding strategies, to energy therapy.

This is my goal as your coach, helping the strategies merge into your own wellness. Becoming less about strategies and more about who you are. You are a person who mediates daily. You are a person who journals & stays in a state of gratitude. You are a person who commits to breath work & putting your wellness first. You are a person who uses your voice to heal.

I hope this helps you understand what I can provide you. There are various ways to heal, I'm only offering the right piece of the puzzle for the right client. Best part of puzzles is there are many pieces.

Just because something seems too basic/simple, like journaling, energy work or breathwork, it certainly does not mean that it isn't immensely powerful.

Lori Anne


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